  • Results for
    • Carcharodon carcharias
  • (236)
divers photograph great white shark as it swims towards them
00055445 / great white sharks / divers photograph great white shark as it swims towards them
cage diver surrounded by blood chum takes photo
00055429 / cage diver surrounded by blood chum takes photo
cage divers wait for great white shark action
00055427 / cage divers wait for great white shark action
chumming for great white sharks
00055421 / chumming for great white sharks
diver cage in choppy water
00055419 / diver cage in choppy water
bait in water to attract great white shark
00055407 / bait in water to attract great white shark
Sequence of shots of Ron and Valerie on shore, tagging shark and taking its temperature.
00054517 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Sequence of shots of Ron and Valerie on shore, tagging shark and taking its temperature.
Swimming close to tangled shark to measure and photograph
00054516 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Swimming close to tangled shark to measure and photograph
Jaws of Great White entangled in wire
00054515 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Jaws of Great White entangled in wire
Great White tangled in wire against cage. Valerie swims out of cage towards the shark
00054514 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Great White tangled in wire against cage. Valerie swims out of cage towards the shark
Great white swimming
00054513 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Great white swimming
Great White attack and bite then swim away
00054512 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Great White attack and bite then swim away
Ron Taylor films topside from duck board
00054511 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Ron Taylor films topside from duck board
Shark bites shark cage and then swims away upside down
00054510 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Shark bites shark cage and then swims away upside down
Shark biting dive board of boat
00054509 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Shark biting dive board of boat
Shark cage from above with shark swimming very close and biting at cage and ropes.
00054508 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Shark cage from above with shark swimming very close and biting at cage and ropes.
Shark swimming upside down.
00054507 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Shark swimming upside down.
Shark cage from above with shark swimming very close and biting at cage and ropes.
00054506 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Shark cage from above with shark swimming very close and biting at cage and ropes.
Underwater cinematographer diver in cage
00054505 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Underwater cinematographer diver in cage
Exterior shot of divers in cage
00054504 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Exterior shot of divers in cage
Shark swimming below camera, turning and swimming up again.
00054503 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Shark swimming below camera, turning and swimming up again.
Shark swimming
00054502 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Shark swimming
Exterior shot of divers in cage
00054501 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Exterior shot of divers in cage
Snorkeller in shark cage
00054500 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Snorkeller in shark cage
Touching Great White shark from inside shark cage
00054499 / Shark Great White Sharks Ron and Valerie Taylor / Touching Great White shark from inside shark cage
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